Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Salam..and hi all... Since I join GDP...I've learn many..many things..and I'm now really relize that my knowledge is so-so je....I'm very afraid of it... How for me to exposed my self in the real workplace... oh No!.... What Should I do???... I think that....I need more effort to change my life as I want to become... Start from now I MUST be PREPARED in all kind of things... To become a successful person..not ONLY with a QUALIFICATION, must with a ATTITUDE... Ya,, Attitude!!!!!!!!!!!!!!..... Talking about attitude...ATTITUDE is the most important thing... to change someone to be better...Attitude also MUST change!!.... I cant exposed my self if I still in the box... I must think out of box.... ya I need improvement to my self......for my future... I'm aware that outside, there is many..many challenging that will come... many graduates are compete to get a position in any company....Therefore, to faced it I must do something.... that I was said PREPARED... start from now...first strategic...I have to LOVE to READ>>>....Read any kind of material....that can increase my knowlegde and improve myself... hopefully...


  1. sgtla...huhuhuhu....mcm takut pulak nk hadapi alam kerjaan neh..waaaaaaaa

  2. baguih hang ni..rilex la..kerja tu enjoy..hehe
